Thursday, 4 April 2013

Day 15: Thursday 4.4.2013

Today's consumption:
9 squares dark choc
Garlic mushroom chicken + Dauphinoise Potatoes+ Peas+ 1 hunk buttered bread
1 can condensed tomato soup + 2 hunks bread + 2 scoops ice cream

I was told at the initial session that my stomach would feel the size of a tennis-ball. Resultant experience is that it feels larger than that - more like a litre container, but that's still smaller than the watermelon it felt like before, and aside from this discrepancy, everything else seems to be working. The idea of massive portions piled onto my plate now seems absolutely revolting.

I used to easily consume a canful of Irish Stew or meatballs in one sitting, but now that just feels too big. My one weakness is band-dodging ice-cream, which you can consume considerable quantities of without feeling full. However so long as I eat it after something else and listen closely to my tummy scale, I can probably get away with a scoop or two. 

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