Tuesday, 26 March 2013

DAY 6 Tuesday 26.3.2013

A quiet day at home can be a good test of your ability to keep focused. Consumption-wise, I did quite well for most of it:

6 squares dark choc
3 Weetabix in warm milk sweetened with Golden Syrup
1 can condensed tomato soup + 3 slices bread
Quarterpound burger, egg and a spoonful of beans + 1 cherry bakewell

...so far so good, but having eaten the latter I kept crashing downward to 1 on the tummy scale which took me by surprise - I wasn't expecting to still have a "sugar crash" after a day of sensible eating. With my conditioning strongly protesting at the prospect of any more bulk being taken on yet with a serious sugar crash, I resorted to the "band-cheater" - ice cream! 3 hefty scoops later the crash subsided and I went to tummy scale 4, but the crash grumbled manageably until bedtime.

On one hand I'm disappointed, but if I'm getting a sugar crash it means that I've exhausted the glycogen (short term) store and was starting to burn fat. Also, I kept to the rules - if you're hungry, eat something but eat consciously - which I did. This is after all an experiment in which I'm examining the viability of a method before marketing it. If it doesn't work for me, I can't sell it as a reliable product. The real test is what's happened by Autumn.

I'm experiencing an unwanted side-effect - constipation! I'm used to being regular as clockwork, but the greatly reduced bulk passing through is getting more thoroughly processed and harder to pass! I'm now having small rocks arrive in my rectum and staying there because they're too hard and too small to push out. I will probably invest in some bran to srinkle on meals to "move things along".

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